A project that aligns with the Ubuntu Freedom Principles of Freedom.


A project that aligns with the Ubuntu Freedom Principles of Freedom.

Ubuntu ⇔ Freedom

If there will be an alternative to “The Matrix”, it’s up to us to create it.

Ubuntu ⇔ Freedom is here to support people building freedom. We believe it is imperative for us to embody freedom today, rather than beg someone to give us freedom in some elusive tomorrow. We are developing tools to help and network those we call “Freedom Builders” so that we learn more deeply from each other, share best practices, better support each other and more strongly empower each other. We are contributing to the movement for freedom through our four point strategy.  

Our Four Point Strategy

We are working to:

1)Facilitate clear alignment of vision.

2) Support expansive community education.

3) Embody and model our principles through projects, activities, and physical freedom builds.

4) Build a virtual network.

Our First Contributions



Infrastructure Resources are documents most organizations and communities need to operate effectively. They are the foundational products developed to establish processes, protocols and procedures. We welcome comrades to use and refine them as needed, and to thus remove or lessen that labor so the organizations can do the work of their purpose

The Principles of Freedom help groups and individuals quickly determine if they have an aligned vision for freedom. Each principle represents a “lane” of activity. They provide a framework with which comrades can relate their work to other freedom  building and to our shared vision. Black and Brown Indigenous organizers from around the country met two to three times a week for over a year to develop these principles, which can be found below. 

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